Hi there, in this article, we’ll teach you how to update your the version of your xenopixel lightsaber board, which is pretty easy, the things you need is:
A SD card from xenopixel core(bought from SaberCustom)
A card reader(comes with your lightsaber box)
A computer/laptop that can read SD card
And before update, you should now how to IDENTIFY the version of your xenopixel lightsaber. Just read your SD card and see how many folders are there, is it 22 or 34. If you only have 22 folders, that means your lightsaber’s version is before Nov.2021, And if you have 34 soundfonts already, then check your “set” folder, click in to see if there’s a audio named “power off”, if there isn’t, that means your version is before April.2022, both of these situations can use the file“20220419XENO” to update it, the process is here:
Take the SD card out of the core, put it in SD card reader, insert into computer.
Drag the file “update.bin” from update file into SD card”set” folder.
Take out SD card,take out battery,put in SD card,put in battery.
Wait for notification sound”update start-update success”.
Take the SD card out, put it in SD card reader, insert into computer.
Drag all the folders(34 sets of soundfonts) into SD card and click”replace all”.
Take out SD card,take out battery,put in SD card,put in battery.
Hold the button to power on, and you are good to go.
That’s all for this article now, and welcome to check our websites all the time for our updates on lightsabers, accessories and other saber parts. We have movie replicas, self-designed lightsabers and other saber parts for customizing your own lightsaber!!! If there’s anything you want to know, welcome to leave the comments below,thanks!